FOB1108-1109: Tiring Weekend!


这个周末超级忙。周六和同学一家去Bird Paradise看飞禽。晚上和爸妈吃饭。星期天看船,之后搞床。终于搞好了。小朋友们也很开心。晚上开始工作,明天又要上战场了!继续努力!

“Sunday evenings often feel like the weekend is over before it’s even begun.” Catherine McCormack

Nice relaxing way to start my weekend!
Nice relaxing way to start my weekend!
Checking out the Flamingos at Crimson Wetlands, Birds Paradise Singapore!
Checking out the Flamingos at Crimson Wetlands, Birds Paradise Singapore!
Hazy morning!
Hazy morning!
At mum's request, bought the 4D no...
At mum’s request, bought the 4D no…
Finally the bed is done... so tiring!!!
Finally the bed is done… so tiring!!!