HKDay0392: New Year’s Eve Beer Race!

今日Beer Raceに行きました!とても楽しかった!船の友達と一緒に夜ご飯を食べりました!

今天去了Beer Race很开心!是我的第一个帆船比赛。之后也和其他船主一起吃晚餐!真开心!

Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better man. Benjamin Franklin

Lunch is leftover 老鼠粉 from yesterday!

Lunch is leftover 老鼠粉 from yesterday!

Beer Race!

Beer Race!

Sailing couple!

Sailing couple!

The Beer!

The Beer!

Gathering for the post race party!!!

Gathering for the post race party!!!

With many other owners! =)

With many other owners! =)

Gathering for the post race party!!!

Gathering for the post race party!!!

Reading the instructions! I almost burn myself if I hold the flare the other way!

Reading the instructions! I almost burn myself if I hold the flare the other way!

The flare is sooo bright its blinding!

The flare is sooo bright its blinding!

Super bright flare!

Super bright flare!

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