HKDay1476: Silent Night!

今日赤ちゃん学校へ行きまして、Christmas Party に行きました。今日も勉強しました。頑張ります!


“Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas.” Calvin Coolidge

Eating salty soya beancurd, stinky tofu, Scallion cake! 咸豆浆,臭豆腐,葱油饼!
Eating salty soya beancurd, stinky tofu, Scallion cake! 咸豆浆,臭豆腐,葱油饼!
无锡小笼包!Soup is red and bigger! Very filling!
Qibao Old street...
Qibao Old street…
Lucas Day 657 and his self made Christmas bag!
Lucas Day 657 and his self made Christmas bag!
Lucas Day 657 celebrating Christmas!!!
Lucas Day 657 celebrating Christmas!!!

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