FOB0497: 舍不得


今天早上又很早起床,因为昨晚根本没有睡好。在想好多事情:这幢房子,从很努力的争取,到很惨的还房贷,到拿钥匙,开始装修,入住,到大宝出生,0-5 个月的照顾他。感觉得到它也舍不得我。其实和它相处最多最久的也就只有我一个人。所以应该是我最舍不得吧。


“Some of us think holding on makes us strong; but sometimes it is letting go.” Hermann Hesse

Breakfast before starting my day!
Breakfast before starting my day!
Morning Cycle!
Morning Cycle!
Thanks TM for the early lunch!
Thanks TM for the early lunch!
Thanks TM for the early lunch!
Thanks TM for the early lunch!
Finally got the Chilli Noodles!
Finally got the Chilli Noodles!
Tang Yuan!
Tang Yuan!
Sharing my happiness with mum and dad!
Sharing my happiness with mum and dad!
The great packing exercise begins!
The great packing exercise begins!
My turn for Chilli Noodles!
My turn for Chilli Noodles!
And Tang Yuan! Sasame!
And Tang Yuan! Sasame!
And Tang Yuan! Peanuts!
And Tang Yuan! Peanuts!

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