Breakfast is Xi NEt Life! 喜年来! Delicious! hehe!
Today I was super late meeting Rachel!!! Sooo sorry! hehe! But I learnt so much
about wine in the meeting with Rachel!!! hehe! thank you!!!
After that was meeting with Tracy and Yvon for dinner! hehe! nice nice dinner!
Havent met with Yvon for a long long time…
"To attract good fortune, spend a new coin on an old friend, share an
old pleasure with a new friend, and lift up the heart of a true friend by
writing his name on the wings of a dragon." Chinese Proverb!!!/IMG|_0553.jpg!!!/IMG|_0558.jpg!!!/IMG|_0566.jpg!!!/IMG|_0576.jpg!!!/IMG|_0580.jpg
hahaha~yea quite a long time
Welcome la. hope i can teach you more. 🙂