LSiN Day143: RZ against choppy waves!!! CANOE!!!

今天我去划独木舟了!!好久好久没有划船了!!! 太棒了!一大清早
就从床上爬起来。 把自己托去东海岸!在那里吃大早餐!之后开始划独
So today after my MEGA breakfast, its CANOEING!!! hehe! then I took
a super nice shot of my CROCS!!! hehe! Nice arty shot! hehe! Then had
lunch at Burger King! hehe!
After that was back to the sea! woah! by that time, my Canoe has a crack
that made the canoe half filled with water… super difficult to row!!!
But still made it back without capzising!!! haha! yeah!宝刀未老!haha!
"A good head and a good heart are always a formidable
combination." Nelson Mandela


  1. 珮ღ

    我下午最忙的时候,看到你的Mc肚子也饿了,想去吃了~~BTW,真羡慕你们新加坡还是夏天… 这里冷死了,我爱夏天!!!!

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