今天见了Lulu! 哈哈!好想恋她啊!她是我以前的同事!现在
哦!哈哈! 真不错!享受人生!哈哈!
I guess other than the teaching, the request from the principal
to convert from part time to full time, the website presentation
that was a little bit screwed up, and the studying of Jap in
borders, the most exciting part of the day is meeting Lulu from
Shanghai!!! hehe!
Went to lotsa places and we accompanied her shopping! haha!
not bad! she bought quite a lot of stuff! haha! Tired after today!
need to take a quick break and continue studying tomorrow!!!
Have to give it my best shot for the EXAMS!!!
"When I give, I give myself."
wah…what a life! Again… admiring…hahah…