LSiN Day112: Prgram-ING!

今天好棒!和我的Project Mate一起在学校做我们的编程!哈哈!
要加油! 编程还好!我现在最怕的是。。。日语!我今天看了
去年的考卷!Oh No…. 完了啦!。。。 怎么办?
This 2 weeks will be really busy… shall stop all exercising
and use ALL AVAILABLE time to STUDY!!! haha! Got study
like mad!!! I think JLPT 2 now is my WORST enemy….
And I cant seem to win the battle…. HOW???
"From a certain point of view our real enemy, the
true troublemaker, is inside."
Tenzin Gyatso, The 14th Dalai Lama quotes
Introducing MEGA MAC!!!!
The best part was my late lunch today! haha! I went to
Mcdonalds and saw this MEGA MAC!!! haha! Just nice for
me!! hehe! look at the sheer size!! and imagine the
satisfaction of finishing it man!!! haha! Yum yum!!!
Introducing... the MEGA MAC!!!! Wow... This is Satisfying!!! haha!

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