我好想有大智慧,大勇气。 可是回到现实,现在的我
Today I swam, and gave my students the pictures,
they are very happy about it! some even wanted to
laminate them! haha! Wow… I am glad I have been
a rather good teacher… haha!
After that was school and presentation… then back
home to study even more!!! haha! JAP, CS3251..
lots of things to do… I cant stop now… no matter
how tired I am physically or mentally… haha!
God, give us grace to accept with
serenity the things that cannot be changed,
courage to change the things that should be changed,
and the wisdom to distinguish the one from the other.
MAN!!!U R definitely among the best I have ever met~~~U R so far far far away from 渺小!!