Yesterday marks the end of a sucky job with a good pay…
At least I made some nice friends in STB (Singapore Tourism
Board)!!! haha!
I am so glad to have met them. Else I wouldnt have known how
to pass those times when I am bored.. which is MOST of the
Everything ended by 1+ including the super duper long debrief
which started at about 11…. (consider the amount of time that
could have been used to do other things…) Still have to wake up
early tomorrow and teach! haha! Gota buck up on my studies!
I am just feeling soooo negative now with all the stupid things
that happens in my life… WHY just cant THAT person do what
is suppose to be done??? WHY does it have to be only when I
am sooo pissed and when I speak about it then something will
be done??? WHY??? I HATE TO REPEAT myself… so many times.