FOB0907: Back to School/ Work!



“Nothing will work unless you do.” Maya Angelou

Going to school!
Going to school!
Photo with the peacock... can you see them?
Photo with the peacock… can you see them?
Here's the peacock(s) unclose...
Here’s the peacock(s) unclose…
Lunch... next time come earlier!
Lunch… next time come earlier!
Found the leak!
Found the leak!
Jack up the car!
Jack up the car!
Deflat and remove the wheel. Realised now there is no inner tyre!
Deflat and remove the wheel. Realised now there is no inner tyre!
This nail is the cause!
This nail is the cause!
Patched the hole!
Patched the hole!

FOB0906: 腰酸背痛@上海

昨日Shanghai に帰りまして、今朝は背が痛かった。佳く休みました。頑張ります!


“Men tire themselves in pursuit of rest.” Laurence Sterne

How to teach him to read the musical notes?
How to teach him to read the musical notes?
Must take photos of the robots...
Must take photos of the robots…

FOB0905: 无锡-拈花湾



“Life is an adventure, it’s not a package tour.” Eckhart Tolle

Thankful for the emergency car starter with air pump, light and charging functions!
Thankful for the emergency car starter with air pump, light and charging functions!
Morning tour around the area!
Morning tour around the area!
Enjoying the view of the mountain...
Enjoying the view of the mountain…

FOB0904: Duty Complete!



“I just say rise and grind and hustle for the muscle.” A. J. Odudu

Good morning to a great day!
Good morning to a great day!
Starting the day with yummy breakfast!
Starting the day with yummy breakfast!
Finally reached the Wuxi Inn...
Finally reached the Wuxi Inn…
Finally reached the Wuxi Inn...
Finally reached the Wuxi Inn…
Walking around the town...
Walking around the town…
Nice decorations...
Nice decorations…

FOB0903: RZ on dutyyyy



“To keep the body in good health is a duty… otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.” Buddha

Going to school!
Going to school!
Going to school!
Going to school!
With great power comes great responsibility...
With great power comes great responsibility…
Lousy Dinner..
Lousy Dinner..
Toilet before being.... used...
Toilet before being…. used…
Wow this is new!
Wow this is new!

FOB0902: Termites Again! (Drywood this time)



“We don’t appreciate what we have until it’s gone. Freedom is like that. It’s like air. When you have it, you don’t notice it.” Boris Yeltsin

Going to school!
Going to school!
Finally one shot inside!
Finally one shot inside!
In the library!
In the library!
Drywood termites!
Drywood termites!
Choose this for the pineapple!
Choose this for the pineapple!
Carwash set is here! Now can manual car wash!
Carwash set is here! Now can manual car wash!

FOB0901: Cleaner Air!



“If you surrendered to the air, you could ride it.” Toni Morrison

Going to school!
Going to school!
Going to school!
Going to school!
Changing the air filter!
Changing the air filter!
Cleaner air!
Cleaner air!
Mapping out the relationship between the left and right hand notes so its easier to memorise!
Mapping out the relationship between the left and right hand notes so its easier to memorise!

FOB0900: Clean office, clean mind!



Be strong in body, clean in mind, lofty in ideals.” James Naismith

Going to school with the birthday boy!
Going to school with the birthday boy!
Spring is green!
Spring is green!
Healthy Lunch!
Healthy Lunch!

FOB0899: Car Camping!



“I prefer the simple things and I love walking in the countryside, or going camping… but simplicity is hard. It’s easier to over-complicate things.” Bill Bailey

Music Reading for left and right hand!
Music Reading for left and right hand!
Enjoying life at the park!
Enjoying life at the park!
Enjoying life at the park!
Enjoying life at the park!
Flowers are blooming! Spring is here!
Flowers are blooming! Spring is here!
Enjoying Shake Shack!
Enjoying Shake Shack!
Car Camping!
Car Camping!
Exploring outdoors!
Exploring outdoors!
Exploring outdoors!
Exploring outdoors!
On the swing!
On the swing!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!

FOB0898: Secret to the Musical Notes-Right Hand!



“Practice does not make perfect. Only perfect practice makes perfect.” Vince Lombardi

Practising Piano!
Practising Piano!
Finding time for the playground!
Finding time for the playground!
Bought some expensive looking shirts at deep discounts!
Bought some expensive looking shirts at deep discounts!
Basket Ball Practice!
Basket Ball Practice!
Learning the secrets of reading the musical notes... Right Hand!
Learning the secrets of reading the musical notes… Right Hand!