FOB0834: Stupid Visa…



“All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make, the better.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Really love to work in my own office! A little piece of heaven!
Really love to work in my own office! A little piece of heaven!
Ahem, I am the talent... =p
Ahem, I am the talent… =p
Missing this place! Lotsa memories!
Missing this place! Lotsa memories!
Missing this place! Lotsa memories!
Missing this place! Lotsa memories!
He is finishing the geography book! Learning the 5 oceans and 7 continents!
He is finishing the geography book! Learning the 5 oceans and 7 continents!
New Phone but same signature to remind me of my courageous adventure!
New Phone but same signature to remind me of my courageous adventure!

FOB0833: Iphone 14!


今天一天很无聊的绕圈圈。浪费一天后最安慰的是看见新手机到了!Dynamic Island! 哈哈哈!继续努力!

“If you can do what you do best and be happy, you’re further along in life than most people.” —Leonardo DiCaprio

New Iphone 14 is here!
New Iphone 14 is here!

FOB0830-0832: Mugging in progress!



“The best way to predict your future is to create it.” — Abraham Lincoln

读书排行榜!Glad I am still no.3!
读书排行榜!Glad I am still no.3!
Super mugging mode!
Super mugging mode!

FOB0829: Christmas Day!



“It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” —J. K. Rowling

Merry Christmas!!!
Merry Christmas!!!
Unwrapping the presents!
Unwrapping the presents!
Enjoying their presents!
Enjoying their presents!
Finally completed the first virtual race and also the marathon!
Finally completed the first virtual race and also the marathon!
Finally completed the first virtual race and also the marathon!
Finally completed the first virtual race and also the marathon!
Finally completed the first virtual race and also the marathon!
Finally completed the first virtual race and also the marathon!

FOB0828: Christmas Eveeee!

今日Christmas Eveから、子供達はとても期待しまして、一日中遊びました。佳く頑張ります!


 “If you can do what you do best and be happy, you’re further along in life than most people.” —Leonardo DiCaprio

Drawing fun!
Drawing fun!
Presents with their names on! Because I am hiding Lucas' presents in the morning to let him reflect being a naughty brother!
Presents with their names on! Because I am hiding Lucas’ presents in the morning to let him reflect being a naughty brother!

FOB0827: Last Working Day before Christmas!



“If you spend your whole life waiting for the storm, you’ll never enjoy the sunshine.” —Morris West

Enjoying the Lego Castle!
Enjoying the Lego Castle!
Enjoying the Lego Castle!
Enjoying the Lego Castle!
More lego buildings!
More lego buildings!

FOB0826: Project Secret Santa!



“In the long run, the sharpest weapon of all is a kind and gentle spirit.” — Anne Frank

Lucas' M&G (晨光) 72 Colour Pencil set! As a child my favourite was always the gold and silver colour as it was rare to have in each colour set.
Lucas’ M&G (晨光) 72 Colour Pencil set! As a child my favourite was always the gold and silver colour as it was rare to have in each colour set.
Luna's Writing Pad Xmas gift!
Luna’s Writing Pad Xmas gift!
Their Lego table set so can play at each side. Unfortunately it was all occupied by Lucas when I am not around...
Their Lego table set so can play at each side. Unfortunately it was all occupied by Lucas when I am not around…
Secret Santa, Presents ready!
Secret Santa, Presents ready!

FOB0820-0825: (Covid) Positivity~~



“Be nice to people on the way up, because you may meet them on the way down.” – Jimmy Durante

Loving his drawing/colouring book!
Loving his drawing/colouring book!
Haven't been here in a long while!
Haven’t been here in a long while!
Missing this!
Missing this!
Clocking mileage again!
Clocking mileage again!
Enjoying his Monopoly even when sick!
Enjoying his Monopoly even when sick!
Clocking more mileage!
Clocking more mileage!
Got a photo from the Shanghai Marathon!
Got a photo from the Shanghai Marathon!
Still like my Fudan pull over on the chair!
Still like my Fudan pull over on the chair!

FOB0819: Remote Working Day!



“No one who achieves success does so without acknowledging the help of others. The wise and confident acknowledge this help with gratitude.” Alfred North Whitehead

Playing the train and lego!
Playing the train and lego!
Playing the train and lego!
Playing the train and lego!
Yay! I got the covid antidote! Paxlovid!
Yay! I got the covid antidote! Paxlovid!
Drawing! actually more colouring!
Drawing! actually more colouring!

FOB0818: Non-Stop Actions!



“If you love life, don’t waste time, for time is what life is made up of.” – Bruce Lee

Preparing my comfort food...
Preparing my comfort food…