FOB0586: Unlimited PCR/ARTs!



The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it.“ Henry David Thoreau

Unlimited PCRs!
Unlimited PCRs!
物资from the company!
物资from the company!
物资from the company!
物资from the company!
Need to learn to read 2 books at the same time to satisfy both demands...
Need to learn to read 2 books at the same time to satisfy both demands…

FOB0585: Ouch…



“Know thy self, know thy enemy. A thousand battles, a thousand victories.” Sun Tzu

ART test kits are free but need to do them 2 times a day... the consequence....
ART test kits are free but need to do them 2 times a day… the consequence….
Working in front, playing behind...
Working in front, playing behind…

FOB0584: Two lines…



War does not determine who is right – only who is left.” Bertrand Russell

Reading the very hungry caterpillar...
Reading the very hungry caterpillar…
More reading in the afternoon...
More reading in the afternoon…

FOB0583: 中奖了!



The true secret of happiness lies in taking a genuine interest in all the details of daily life.” William Morris

The first time in my life I bite half into the bun to find that it has no fillings! supposed to have sliced carrots but oh well... so lucky...
The first time in my life I bite half into the bun to find that it has no fillings! supposed to have sliced carrots but oh well… so lucky…
Watching the washing machine in fascination!
Watching the washing machine in fascination!

FOB0582: Vertigo…


今天一早就头昏脑胀,接到表姐的电话,说送物资过来。最重要的是,竟然有薯片!之后好好休息,躺下来,一边休息一边工作,把领事馆的PCR自动邮件提醒的Form做好。今天和大宝看了Ice Age 2!不上课了,好好休息。继续努力。

Action is the foundational key to all success. Pablo Picasso

Got the chips from black market!
Got the chips from black market!
Thanks Cousin for the Reinforcements!
Thanks Cousin for the Reinforcements!
What a good day!
What a good day!
Everyones love potato chips!
Everyones love potato chips!

FOB0581: Admin Saturday!



“All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence, and then success is sure.” Mark Twain

Good Morning World!
Good Morning World!
Queuing for another PCR test...
Queuing for another PCR test…
I am a leader! I got the tube!
I am a leader! I got the tube!
Eye of the pussy tiger!
Eye of the pussy tiger!

FOB0580: Working on building the next Frontier!



To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.” Anatole France

The morning look!
The morning look!
Siblings love!
Siblings love!
Thankful for neighbours with skills! Got my haircut!
Thankful for neighbours with skills! Got my haircut!
Looks less messy...
Looks less messy…
Playing, one funny episode from 大宝:“我姓黄,谁姓绿?”
Playing, one funny episode from 大宝:“我姓黄,谁姓绿?”
Keep learning. Patient safety is intriguing!
Keep learning. Patient safety is intriguing!

FOB0579: Rainy Day…



The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up.“ Paul Valery

Good morning on a rainy day!
Good morning on a rainy day!

FOB0578: Throw Spanner…


今天超级忙。因为客户Throw Spanner。是Singlish。意思就是有人有新想法,扰乱了本来的秩序。好忙。

He who lives in harmony with himself lives in harmony with the universe.“ Marcus Aurelius

When I was in the army, I am always happy to have fresh rations when I am training in the forest instead of just combat rations... For now in lockdown, I am still happy with Fresh Banana!
When I was in the army, I am always happy to have fresh rations when I am training in the forest instead of just combat rations… For now in lockdown, I am still happy with Fresh Banana!
Requested to take another photo of the lego art...
Requested to take another photo of the lego art…
Playing around...
Playing around…
Bad Apples... but after peeling off the skin, content is still ok...
Bad Apples… but after peeling off the skin, content is still ok…

FOB0577: 自由无望



The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.“ Socrates

康元 Kong Guan Biscuits from Singapore for breakfast!
康元 Kong Guan Biscuits from Singapore for breakfast!
Web Lesson...
Web Lesson…
Little baker!
Little baker!