LSiN Day058: Feeling LOUSY…. =p

Not Worth…
Sometimes, somethings are just not worth it… some people not worth ur
time and effort, some companies not worth ur resume, some matters not
worth ur time… It’s a shitty feeling… to know you put in so much effort..
for nothing…
Today I finished 3 pages of Jap already! hehe! And my CS4260 assignment!
Now left with the various HUGE group projects… man! Gotta RUSH! hehe!
"Confidence is contagious. So is lack of confidence."

Vince Lombardi

LSiN Day057: Meetings!!!

TOday is a day of meetings with friends and possible business partners!
Met Chelsea in the morning to discuss about the possiblity of helping in
her pet project, Tomorrow’s Girl. sounds really interesting.
After that was heading to school to START my project! haha! oh no! I
just realised that there are A LOT of things to be done!!! haha! Help!
After that was dinner at PGP with Zhang Man, Bing Yang and Wen Bin!
havent met the 2 guys for a long time! hehe! Nice dinner!!!
With a goood dinner! we proceeded to have some wine at Brussels
Sprouts at robertson quay! nice! and the cheese looks pretty good too!
the best part? Sharing quality time with friends! and some wine and
cheese to go along with the chat… heavenly! haha!

Avoid the crowd. Do your own thinking independently. Be the
chess player, not the chess piece.
Ralph Charell

Tomorrow's Girl Discussion with Chelsea!Wow... NES Window... I did it with the marketing team... LONG AGO...Dinner @ PGP with Zhang Man, Bing Yang, Wen Bin and I!say Cheers!Cheese and fries...