LSiN Day062: CHUPR on Straits Times! Home Front Page!

CHUPR 终于上报了!而且是全新加坡最畅销,流通量最大的
Straits Times! 真棒!而且我们还在封面哦!哈哈!希望这
Yay! its on the front page!! wow!!! soo cool! I just cant stop
being excited! haha! Had my usual Swim, teach study routine!
Gota work hard to prepare for my F1 usher assignment
tomorrow! another once in a lifetime opportunity!!!
For now, need to work to make sure CHUPR becomes
successful! haha!
"Success is doing ordinary things extraordinarily
well." – Jim Rohn
Straits Times front page! ( I am on top left!!! first time!)CHUPR on Straits Times Home Front Page!Chupr online users shoot to more than 150 !!!