LSiN Day075: NCSH11 – My Juniors…
NCSH 的意思是 NUS Overseas College Shanghai!哈哈!我呢,
Today had my swim as usual, then after teaching, I went home
to discover that there is no lunch!!! haha! in the end, I went to
school for a meal!!! and Dessert!!! haha not bad! Then after
lessons, its off to NOC office! to see my NCSH11 juniors! haha!
reminds me so much of the past…
Then its off for a quick dinner before heading for lecture till 9pm!
argghhh!! so late for a lecture to end… After that its heading
home for more revision!!! hehe!
Really trying hard to gain all these knowledge in a short short
time!! haha! not easy.. but can be done!
"Wonder rather than doubt is the root of all knowledge."