LSiN Day089: The Crisis Algorithm

所谓的Crisis Algorithm,就是有紧急状况的时候应该做什么,今天开始
1. Put each problem into either (Easy, Medium, Difficult)
2. Solve Easy questions first, quickly
3. Solve URGENT questions first, also quickly
So today I finished another part in Japanese Grammar… and I also
finished 2 project meetings and I shall finish ONE of the 2 projects
today! Also met NES (NUS Entrepreneurship Society) people for an
interview on CHUPR. nice picture!
Too many things to do… I have to prioritise… Do only things that
are worth doing and amongst these things, do the urgent ones first.
BUT! never sacrifice quality for ANYTHING!
"Whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well."

Lord Chesterfield

Lunch: Fish, Meat Veggie and POTATO!!! hehe!Hanyang and I!NES interview...