SODay022: The Long Vacation…

Although I gave up on ne more career opportunity in Shanghai, I
am not giving up. I am chasing my dream and realising it! I hope
that my dreams do come true… I am working towads it! Although
I know that nothing is certain… especially in these unceratin periods.
"Change your thoughts and you change your world."

Norman Vincent Peale

Headed to Tracy’s home and had sandwich that she made and
had a movie marathon! hehe! the dinner was sumptous as usual!
Simply enjoying the food! muahaha!

SODay021: 买东西!吃东西!

Today is basically shopping and eating… I never knew doing JUST that
could be sooo tiring… I think it’s not easy to live life as a Tai Tai after
putting myself in their shoes today! hehe…


Finding what I REALLY want…
I think I am just one confused young man hungry to carve a career of
his own but unsure where to begin while in the midst of a financial crisis.
I shall know what I REALLY want soon… =)

"To be a star, you must shine your own light, follow your own path,
and don’t worry about the darkness, for that is when the stars
shine brightest." – Unknown

SODay020: 南京大屠杀纪念馆!

也要谢谢阿姨送我红色的围巾! 好好看啊!哈哈!

然后车资他也不好意思多算我钱,所以就打了我五折! 哈哈!
谢谢老天爷! Muack! haha!
"Our mistakes don’t make of break us – if we’re lucky, they simply
reveal who we really are, what we’re really made of."
Donn Moomaw quotes

SODay019: Trip to Najing!!!

Today I went Nanjing to meet my super great friend Pujue!!! hehe!
He is THE MOST fantastic guy you have ever seen! I am super sure
that he will live to a ripe old age of at least 100 years old! hehe!
Ok! So I went to Najing from Shanghai! hehe! to meet PJ! then
we had lunch and went to his house! hehe! nice place!!! Super posh
compared to the rest of Nanjing! hehe! Thanks for the Sheraton
blackforest Cake!
it’s 美满鸡!
Then its exploring 夫子庙 ! Nice place!! and the 步行街 there is
very lively and interesting!!! hehe! I took some SUPER nice photos
too! hehe! Wonderful day!
"Change your thoughts and you change your world."

Norman Vincent Peale

SODay018: Rest and Relax…

Today is pretty simple. Help Tracy with her packing from school, then it’s
pizza for lunch then a little bit on Job applications then its dinner! hehe!
Then I watched 非诚勿扰!  Not a bad show! hehe!
Short and Simple day! great rest! getting ready for the NAnjing Trip
tomorrow!!! PUJUE! HERE I COME!!! hehe!
"Sometimes the most urgent thing you can possibly do is take a complete
rest" Ashleigh Brilliant Quotes (English Author and Cartoonist, b. 1933)


SODay017: 小白,鸣佳, and Nanjing

然后, 我还去买了火车票准备周末去南京找我的多年好友:普觉!
"Who finds a faithful friend, finds a treasure."
Jewish saying


SODay015: To take or not to take? That is the Dilemma!

今天在龙之梦和Liu Yilun同学吃饭!终于终于可以吃肯德鸡了!!! 哈哈!
After that was a haircut at the saloon I used to go! hehe! They still
REMEMBER ME!!! haha! not bad! its still 15rmb for male! but now 18rmb
for ladies! hehe! Headed home after that for a bath! hehe!
Then its meeting Jennifer! hehe! nice dinner! BIG FISH! 鲶鱼!Nice!
Just alittle bit salty. haha!
To take or not to take? That is the Dilemma!
Well.. after considering the layoffs of my dream company… I am really
fearful…  they just laid off several hundreds in the US and they intend
thousands more worldwide!!!
I am seriously considering my other options… Now, it’s a struggle between
dreams and reality… sigh…
"To be or not to be: that is the question"
William Shakespeare (from Hamlet 3/1)



SODay014: Fudan + 衡山路

Penny 还带我去看辅导员的答辩和女生寝室!!!哈哈!很有趣!
Dear Friends, for this week (starting 12th Jan 2009) I am the guest blogger for
School of Computing’s Blog. would really appreciate if you all can support by
reading and commenting if possible. Thanks!
"Other people may be there to help us, teach us, guide us along our path,  
but the lessons to be learned is always ours" ~ Unknown

SODay013: Shopping!!!

I also went to the Sakura Japanese School for a free lesson!
not bad… actually Yvon dragged me there… haha! not a bad
lesson… pretty interesting!
"Winners don’t do different things. They do things
differently."–Shiv Kera





SODay012: Steamboat at Tracy’s!

今天好棒!一整天都在看书和吃好料! 哈哈!要谢谢陈阿姨!
了烤羊排! 听说羊排能驱寒!哈哈!
Today I also enjoyed reading a great book "The Toyota Way"
Nice!!! I think I learnt quite abit today from the book while
enjoying great food!
Guest Blogger
Thanks to Bruce, starting today I will be blogging in our school
site (I will give you guys the link tomorrow) for a week! hehe! on
CHUPR!!! what better way to share the experience? haha!
"Our best thoughts come from others" Ralph Waldo Emerson
Quotes (American Poet, Lecturer and Essayist, 1803-1882)!!!/IMG|_0584.jpg!!!/IMG|_0593.jpg!!!/IMG|_0594.jpg!!!/IMG|_0597.jpg