FOB0795: New Week!



With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts.” Eleanor Roosevelt

Going to school! Finally!
Going to school! Finally!
Old one is cranky... so got the new Arc Mouse!
Old one is cranky… so got the new Arc Mouse!
Found a new place for lunch not bad!
Found a new place for lunch not bad!

FOB0794: Train up!



“Quality is not an act, it is a habit.” Aristotle

Training up for Shanghai Marathon next weekend!
Training up for Shanghai Marathon next weekend!
Playing going to school...
Playing going to school…
Home improvements so can see the lock combination when at night and rainy
Home improvements so can see the lock combination when at night and rainy

FOB0793: Saturday Fever!



“My mother had a great deal of trouble with me, but I think she enjoyed it.” Mark Twain

Helping Aunty Fan with Wifi, thank you for the breakfast!
Helping Aunty Fan with Wifi, thank you for the breakfast!
oh no, not going anywhere!
oh no, not going anywhere!

FOB0790-792: Work + Home Improvements



However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at.” Stephen Hawking

Going to school!
Going to school!
Yummy Lunch! better than canteen!
Yummy Lunch! better than canteen!
Tea for digestion!
Tea for digestion!
Waterproofing the kitchen roof!
Waterproofing the kitchen roof!
Waterproofing the windows!
Waterproofing the windows!
Sneaking out for Carbo loading breakfast!
Sneaking out for Carbo loading breakfast!
Waterproofing the wall corners!
Waterproofing the wall corners!
Waterproofing the wall corners!
Waterproofing the wall corners!
Coffee break!
Coffee break!
Room ready! Zebra Blinds installed, Ceiling fans and lights installed!
Room ready! Zebra Blinds installed, Ceiling fans and lights installed!
Room ready! Zebra Blinds installed, Ceiling fans and lights installed!
Room ready! Zebra Blinds installed, Ceiling fans and lights installed!
Tea for digestion!
Tea for digestion!

FOB0789: Exercise Tuesday!



“Happiness is the feeling that power increases — that resistance is being overcome.” — Friedrich Nietzsche

Going to school!
Going to school!
De-Rust completed!
De-Rust completed!
OBM (Outboard Motor) is back in serviceable condition again!
OBM (Outboard Motor) is back in serviceable condition again!
Regensify is here! More more hair!!! More more business!
Regensify is here! More more hair!!! More more business!
Regensify is here! More more hair!!! More more business!
Regensify is here! More more hair!!! More more business!




 “Throughout life people will make you mad, disrespect you and treat you bad. Let God deal with the things they do, cause hate in your heart will consume you too.” — Will Smith

Going to school! Getting colder!
Going to school! Getting colder!
Lunch! 吃饱了才有力气打仗!
Lunch! 吃饱了才有力气打仗!
Waterproofing seems to be working! Hopefully can stop the rain water flowing in for now!
Waterproofing seems to be working! Hopefully can stop the rain water flowing in for now!
Dryer is in!
Dryer is in!

FOB0787: Entrepreneurship Sunday!



“Don’t limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve.” —Mary Kay Ash 

Running time! 5 more sessions before marathon!
Running time! 5 more sessions before marathon!
Yummy breakfast!
Yummy breakfast!
Observing the butterfly!
Observing the butterfly!
Playing around the mall!
Playing around the mall!
Playing around the mall!
Playing around the mall!

FOB0786: Swim and Piano Saturday!



“If you can do what you do best and be happy, you’re further along in life than most people.” —Leonardo DiCaprio

Lego time!
Lego time!
Piano time!
Piano time!

FOB0785: Finally Friday!



“Every moment is a fresh beginning.” —T.S. Eliot

Going to school!
Going to school!

FOB0784: 小宝 First Day of Day Care School



“The healthiest response to life is joy.” — Deepak Chopra

Foggy Day to School!
Foggy Day to School!
Interested in the playground in school!
Interested in the playground in school!
First Day of School (Day Care)!
First Day of School (Day Care)!
No crying (yet) while exploring the toys in the classroom!
No crying (yet) while exploring the toys in the classroom!
Testing the vegetarian formula enzyme pills with this heavy meal!
Testing the vegetarian formula enzyme pills with this heavy meal!