LSiN Day015: JLPT Registration + RAG DAY!

TOday is the last time I can help out in the Cheering for Rag day… as an SoC
student. A little bit emotional inside. thinking back about the days when I was a
freshemen, when I was helping out in Year 2… haha! lotsa memories flooded my
In the morning, we had breakfast at MCDONALDS!!! haha! HAd Hotcakes with Sausage!
The hotcakes here are much better than that of Shanghai! I miss them a lot! But I still
think the KFC in Shanghai is the BEST! hehe!
Had a lot of fun and sun (BURN) for the day! where we cheered on and on for SoC
especially when it is SoC’s turn to perform! hehe!
After that I finally registered for the JLPT2 exam in Singapore!!!! ahah! there’s no
turning back now!!! ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BREAKFAST!Hotcakes with Sausage!RAG Day!SoC (School of Computing)THE MOON! with our SoC Float!Registering for JLPT at JCSMy JLPT voucher

LSiN Day014: Stayover for RAG day!

Tomorrow would be NUS Rag day! hehe! our OG skipped the games to help out
in the Float building! a little bit lah! haha! not alot. We had lunch at Engine
Canteen and had my favourite INDONESIAN Cruisine! hehe! Its that grilled
chicken drumstick!
"Think wrongly, if you please, but in all cases think for yourself."
Had a few talks including the NOC talk!!! which I also shared my experience in
Shanghai! haha! Nice to share! Hope I did not show off like the other guys did!
At night, we had a sumptous dinner and we also stayed over to help out in the
float. also abit lah! haha! tired! slept at the basement just outside the
Programming Labs… haha!
Studying Jap!Lunch! Indonesian Food!Helping out with Float!Dinner!Dinner with my OG!Fabrics of SoC