LSiN Day025: Going public (in terms of marketing) for Chupr!

Ok! Today had my usual swim and teach before going for a haircut AGAIN!
luckily it is free! hehe! if not that will be the last time I am going to THAT
babber! haha!
Going public for Chupr!
Now! have to thank alot of ppl for helping to promote to
alot of the different communities! hehe! Also strategise more with Hanyang
on where to go and how to go… haha!
For now, we are gona get a more PROFESSIONAL looking logo! haha! have
to get my old (but gold) NES contacts to get it done! hehe! Friendship can
help a long way. have to thank them so much for their help… ALL along!!
"There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than true
I cant believed yesterday I memorised 8 pages of vocab… haha! today shall
do the usual 3 pages! haha! but I did 4 in the end… so I have reached page
69… of 302… haha! and also now to prepare my ppt for the business case!
58 ppl online!!! haha!More support from friends! thanks! hehe!Jap... omg! haha! pg 69... of 302... haha!