LSiN Day030: NOC Homecoming & SoC Gala Dinner!

2 major events on Today! namely: NOC (NUS Overseas College) Homecoming
and the SoC (School of Computing) Gala Dinner! both are at pretty places at
Suntec Guild house and Hilton @ Singapore respectively! hehe!
NOC Homecoming!
The homecoming is great! met many of the friends whom embarked on the
same stint a year ago! each with our own dreams and aspirations to achieve
more! hehe! it’s also a very interesting experience to see all the support
available for startups!
Pitching CHUPR
Also pitched about CHUPR! hehe! I SERIOUSLY hope that
can pick up! haha! I am also glad to see that now more and more users
and sellers on the site! hehe!
SoC Gala Dinner!
Wow! It’s a gala dinner! Need I say more? its food and entertainment! hehe!
I am right to have always thought that our very own SoC Guys and Girls are
hot! hehe! they never fail to rise to the occassion! hehe!
Wine, Food and Chill….
With Rey, we went to Dempsey Road for some wine and chill… haha! we only
finished at 1+ am… haha! I din’t know both of us can take a bottle just like
that! haha! Thanks for the sharing session Rey! hehe!
"Prosperity is full of friends." Euripides
NUS Suntec Guildhouse!Presenting SHEN!CHUPR Pitch! hehe!Hitlton @ Singapore!SoC Gala Dinner!Me and Rey!Us! hehe!Rey and I!Me and Freshies!the School of Computing chocolate!MINE!!!!!!!Food! Finally!Soup!Chicken!Sea Bass (FISH!)PrawnsVeggies (Yucks!)NoodlesDessert!Us!My Freshies!SoC Birthday Cake!Me and Neng Giin!hehe!Time for some chill and wine...