LSiN Day037: Nano for $0.99 @
From yesterday, we had a marketing promotion… to throw in an Ipod
Nano for bidding starting from $0.99!!! haha! and it REALLY drew in a
lot of crowd!!! hahaha! Well! lets hope it works! haha! now there are
almost 100 registered users!!! Shall discuss about the Advertising and
Eyeball model soon! haha!
Had my usual Swim, Teach routine… shall study a alittle before going
back to teach tonight! haha! Well… fighting hard to have a headstart
for life! hehe!
Tonight, Shall study Jap sommore!!! haha! and do the power point
slides! haha! MUST! haha! else thats it!
"Love and work are the cornerstones of our humanness."